of Romeo and Iuliet.
578585 Ser. You are lookt for, and cald for, askt for, and
sought for in
5805873. We cannot be here and there too, chearely boyes,
581588Be brisk a while, and the longer liuer take all.
583590 Enter all the guests and gentlewomen to the 585592 1. Capu. Welcome gentlemen, Ladies that haue their toes
587593Vnplagued with Cornes, will walke about with you:
588594Ah my mi
sses, which of you all
589595Will now denie to daunce,
she that makes daintie,
590596She Ile
swear hath Corns: am I come neare ye now?
591597Welcome gentlemen, I haue
seene the day
592598That I haue worne a vi
sor and could tell
593599A whi
spering tale in a faire Ladies eare:
594600Such as would plea
se: tis gone, tis gone, tis gone,
595601You are welcome, gentlemen come, Mu
sitions play.
596602 Musick playes and they dance. 597603A hall, a hall, giue roome, and foote it gyrles,
598604More light you knaues, and turne the tables vp:
599605And quench the
fire, the roome is growne too hot.
sirrah, this vnlookt for
sport comes well:
sit, nay
sit, good Cozin
Capulet, 602608For you and I are pa
st our dauncing dayes:
603609How long i
st now
since la
st your
selfe and I
6056112. Capu. Berlady thirtie yeares.
6066121. Capu. What man tis not
so much, tis not
so much,
since the nuptiall of
Lucientio: 608614Come Pentyco
st as quickly as it will,
fiue and twentie yeares, and then we maskt.
6106162. Capu. Tis more, tis more, his
sonne is elder
6126181. Capu. Will you tell me that?
sonne was but a ward 2. yeares ago.
C 3 Romeo. What