Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
Not Peer Reviewed

Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)

Enter Nurse, Iuliet.
2478.1Nur:Come, come, what need you anie thing else?
2480Iul:Nothing good Nurse, but leaue me to my selfe:
2480.1For I doo meane to lye alone to night.
Nur:Well theres a cleane smocke vnder your pillow,
and so good night. Exit.
Enter Mother.
2485Moth:What are you busie, doo you need my helpe?
Iul:No Madame, I desire to lye alone,
2486.1For I haue manie things to thinke vpon.
Moth:Well then good night, be stirring Iuliet,
2492.1The Countie will be earlie here to morrow. Exit.
Iul:Farewell, God knowes when wee shall meete a-
Ah, I doo take a fearfull thing in hand.
What if this Potion should not worke at all,
Must I of force be married to the Countie?
This shall forbid it. Knife, lye thou there.
What if the Frier should giue me this drinke
2505To poyson mee, for feare I should disclose
Our former marriage? Ah, I wrong him much,
He is a holy and religious Man:
2509.1I will not entertaine so bad a thought.
What if I should be stifled in the Toomb?
of Romeo and Iuliet.
Awake an houre before the appointed time:
2530An then I feare I shall be lunaticke,
And playing with my dead forefathers bones,
Dash out my franticke braines. Me thinkes I see
2535My Cosin Tybalt weltring in his bloud,
Seeking for Romeo: stay Tybalt stay.
Romeo I come, this doe I drinke to thee.
2538.1She fals vpon her bed within the Curtaines.