Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
Not Peer Reviewed

Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)

of Romeo and Iuliet.

2.I thinke because Musitions sound for siluer.
Ser:Prettie too: come, what say you?
3.I say nothing.
Ser:I thinke so, Ile speake for you because you are the
2715Singer. I saye Siluer sound, because such Fellowes as you
haue sildome Golde for sounding. Farewell Fidlers, fare-
2716.1well. Exit.
1.Farewell and be hangd: come lets goe. Exeunt.

Enter Romeo.

Rom:If I may trust the flattering Eye of Sleepe,
My Dreame presagde some good euent to come.
2725My bosome Lord sits chearfull in his throne,
And I am comforted with pleasing dreames.
Me thought I was this night alreadie dead:
(Strange dreames that giue a dead man leaue to thinke)
And that my Ladie Iuliet came to me,
2730And breathd such life with kisses in my lips,
That I reuiude and was an Emperour.

Enter Balthasar his man booted.

2735Newes from Verona. How now Balthasar,
How doth my Ladie? Is my Father well?
How fares my Iuliet? that I aske againe:
If she be well, then nothing can be ill.
2740Balt:Then nothing can be ill, for she is well,
Her bodie sleepes in Capels Monument,
And her immortall parts with Angels dwell.
2745Pardon me Sir, that am the Messenger of such bad tidings.
Rom:Is it euen so? then I defie my Starres.
I3 Goe