of Romeo and Iuliet.
21971638Out you greene
sicknes baggage, out you tallow face.
22021641Cap:I tell thee what, eyther re
solue on thur
sday next
22031642To goe with
Paris to Saint Peters Church:
22041643Or henceforth neuer looke me in the face.
22051644Speake not, reply not, for my
fingers ytch.
22061645Why wife, we thought that we were
scarcely ble
st 22071646That God had
sent vs but this onely chyld:
22081647But now I
see this one is one too much,
22091648And that we haue a cro
sse in hauing her.
22111649Nur:Mary God in heauen ble
sse her my Lord,
22121650You are too blame to rate her
22131651Cap.And why my Lady wi
sedome? hold your tung,
22141652Good prudence
smatter with your go
ssips, goe.
22151653Nur:Why my Lord I
speake no trea
22191655Vtter your grauity ouer a go
ssips boule,
22221658Cap:Gods ble
ssed mother wife it mads me,
22231659Day, night, early, late, at home, abroad,
22241660Alone, in company, waking or
22251661Still my care hath beene to
see her matcht.
22261662And hauing how found out a Gentleman,
22271663Of Princely parentage, youthfull, and nobly trainde.
22281664Stuft as they
say with honorable parts,
22291665Proportioned as ones heart coulde wi
sh a man:
22301666And then to haue a wretched whyning foole,
22311667A puling mammet in her fortunes tender,
say I cannot loue, I am too yong, I pray you pardon
22341670But if you cannot wedde Ile pardon you.
22351671Graze where you will, you
shall not hou
se with me.
22361672Looke to it, thinke ont, I doe not v
se to ie