Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
Not Peer Reviewed

Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)

of Romeo and Iuliet.

Out you greene sicknes baggage, out you tallow face.
2200Iu:Good father heare me speake?

2200.1She kneeles downe.
Cap:I tell thee what, eyther resolue on thursday next
To goe with Paris to Saint Peters Church:
Or henceforth neuer looke me in the face.
2205Speake not, reply not, for my fingers ytch.
Why wife, we thought that we were scarcely blest
That God had sent vs but this onely chyld:
But now I see this one is one too much,
And that we haue a crosse in hauing her.
Nur:Mary God in heauen blesse her my Lord,
You are too blame to rate her so.
Cap.And why my Lady wisedome? hold your tung,
Good prudence smatter with your gossips, goe.
2215Nur:Why my Lord I speake no treason.
Cap:Oh goddegodden.
Vtter your grauity ouer a gossips boule,
2220For heere we need it not.
Mo:My Lord ye are too hotte.
Cap:Gods blessed mother wife it mads me,
Day, night, early, late, at home, abroad,
Alone, in company, waking or sleeping,
2225Still my care hath beene to see her matcht.
And hauing how found out a Gentleman,
Of Princely parentage, youthfull, and nobly trainde.
Stuft as they say with honorable parts,
Proportioned as ones heart coulde wish a man:
2230And then to haue a wretched whyning foole,
A puling mammet in her fortunes tender,
To say I cannot loue, I am too yong, I pray you pardon
But if you cannot wedde Ile pardon you.
2235Graze where you will, you shall not house with me.
Looke to it, thinke ont, I doe not vse to iest.