Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
Not Peer Reviewed

Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)

of Romeo and Iuliet.

Your liues shall pay the ransome of your fault:
100For this time euery man depart in peace.
Come Capulet come you along with me,
and Mouutague, come you this after noone,
To know our farther pleasure in this case,
To old free Towne our common iudgement place,
105Once more on paine of death each man depart.
M: wife. Who set this auncient quarrel first abroach?
Speake Nephew, were you by when it began?
Benuo: Here were the seruants of your aduersaries,
And yours close fighting ere I did approch.
Wife: Ah where is Romeo, saw you him to day?
Right glad I am he was not at this fray.
120 Ben: Madame, an houre before the worshipt sunne
Peept through the golden window of the East,
A troubled thought drew me from companie:
Where vnderneath the groue Sicamoure,
That Westward rooteth from the Citties side,
125So early walking might I see your sonne.
I drew towards him, but he was ware of me,
And drew into the thicket of the wood:
I noting his affections by mine owne,
That most are busied when th'are most alone,
Pursued my honor, not pursuing his.
Moun: Black and portentious must this honor proue,
Vnlesse good counsaile doo the cause remooue.
145 Ben: Why tell me Vncle do you know the cause?
145.1Enter Romeo.
Moun: I neyther know it nor can learne of him.
Ben: See where he is, but stand you both aside,
160Ile know his grieuance, or be much denied.
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