Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
Not Peer Reviewed

Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)

of Romeo and Iuliet.

Wert thou as young as I, Iuliet thy Loue,
An houre but married, Tybalt murdred.
1870Doting like me, and like me banished,
Then mightst thou speake, then mightst thou teare thy
And fall vpon the ground as I doe now,
Taking the measure of an vnmade graue.

1875Nurse knockes.

Fr:Romeo arise, stand vp thou wilt be taken,
I heare one knocke, arise and get thee gone.
1877.1Nu:Hoe Fryer.
Fr:Gods will what wilfulnes is this?

Shee knockes againe.

Nur:Hoe Fryer open the doore,
1892.1Fr:By and by I come. Who is there?
Nur:One from Lady Iuliet.
1895Fr:Then come neare.
Nur:Oh holy Fryer, tell mee oh holy Fryer,
Where is my Ladies Lord? Wher's Romeo?
Fr:There on the ground, with his owne teares made
1900Nur:Oh he is euen in my Mistresse case.
Iust in her case. Oh wofull simpathy,
Pitteous predicament, euen so lyes shee,
Weeping and blubbring, blubbring and weeping:
Stand vp, stand vp, stand and you be a man.
1905For Iuliets sake, for her sake rise and stand,
Why should you fall into so deep an O.

1906.1He rises.
Nur:Ah sir, ah sir. Wel death's the end of all.
G Rom: