Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
Not Peer Reviewed

Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)

The excellent Tragedie

Vp sirra goe with vs.

Enter Prince, Capolets wife.

1585Pry: Where be the vile beginners of this fray?
Ben: Ah Noble Prince I can discouer all
The most vnlucky mannage of this brawle.
Heere lyes the man slaine by yong Romeo,
That slew thy kinsman braue Mercutio,
1590M: Tibalt, Tybalt, O my brothers child,
Vnhappie fight? Ah the blood is spilt
Of my deare kinsman, Prince as thou art true:
For blood of ours, shed bloud of Mountagew.
1595Pry: Speake Benuolio who began this fray?
Ben: Tibalt heere slaine whom Romeos hand did slay.
Romeo who spake him fayre bid him bethinke
How nice the quarrell was.
1598.1But Tibalt still persisting in his wrong,
The stout Mercutio drewe to calme the storme,
Which Romeo seeing cal'd stay Gentlemen,
And on me cry'd, who drew to part their strife,
1598.5And with his agill arme yong Romeo,
As fast as tung cryde peace, fought peace to make.
While they were enterchanging thrusts and blows,
Vnder yong Romeos laboring arme to part,
The furious Tybalt cast an enuious thrust,
That rid the life of stout Mercutio.
With that he fled, but presently return'd,
1614.1And with his rapier braued Romeo:
1615That had but newly entertain'd reuenge,
And ere I could draw forth my rapyer
To part their furie, downe did Tybalt fall,
And this way Romeo fled.
1620M: He is a Mountagew and speakes partiall,
Some twentie of them fought in this blacke strife:
And all those twenty could but kill one life.
I doe