Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
Not Peer Reviewed

Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)

0.15The most excellent Tragedie of
Romeo and Iuliet.

Enter 2. Seruing-men of the Capolets.

5GRegorie, of my word Ile carrie no coales.
2 No, for if you doo, you should be a Collier.
1 If I be in choler, Ile draw.
2 Euer while you liue, drawe your necke out of the
the collar.
10 1 I strike quickly being moou'd.
2 I, but you are not quickly moou'd to strike.
1 A Dog of the house of the Mountagues moues me.
2 To mooue is to stirre, and to bee valiant is to stand
to it: therefore (of my word) if thou be mooud thou't
runne away.
1 There's not a man of them I meete, but Ile take
the wall of.
2 That shewes thee a weakling, for the weakest goes
to the wall.
1 Thats true, therefore Ile thrust the men from the
wall, and thrust the maids to the walls: nay, thou shalt
see I am a tall peece of flesh.
2 Tis well thou art not fish, for if thou wert thou
33.1wouldst be but poore Iohn.
1 Ile play the tyrant, Ile first begin with the maids, &
off with their heads.
2 The heads of the maids?
1 I,