Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
Not Peer Reviewed

Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)

of Romeo and Iuliet.

The measure done, ile watch her place of stand,
And touching hers, make happie my rude hand
625Did my heart loue till now? Forsweare it sight,
I neuer saw true beautie till this night.
Tib: This by his voice should be a Mountague,
Fetch me my rapier boy. What dares the slaue
Come hither couer'd with an Anticke face,
630To scorne and ieere at our solemnitie?
Now by the stocke and honor of my kin,
To strike him dead I hold it for no sin.
Ca: Why how now Cosen, wherfore storme you so.
635Ti: Vncle this is a Mountague our foe,
A villaine that is hether come in spight,
To mocke at our solemnitie this night.
Ca: Young Romeo, is it not?
Ti: It is that villaine Romeo.
640Ca: Let him alone, he beares him like a portly gentle- (man,
And to speake truth, Verona brags of him,
As of a vertuous and well gouern'd youth:
I would not for the wealth of all this towne,
645Here in mv house doo him disparagement:
Therefore be quiet take no note of him,
Beare a faire presence, and put off these frownes,
An ill beseeming semblance for a feast.
650Ti: It fits when such a villaine is a guest,
Ile not indure him.
Ca: He shalbe indured, goe to I say, he shall,
Am I the Master of the house or you?
655You'le not indure him? God shall mend my soule
You'le make a mutenie amongst my guests,
You'le set Cocke a hoope, you'le be the man.
Ti: Vncle tis a shame.
C3 Ca: Goe