Not Peer Reviewed
Romeo and Juliet (Folio 1, 1623)
2423Enter Father Capulet, Mother, Nurse, and
2424Seruing men, two or three.
2426Sirrah, go hire me twenty cunning Cookes.
2428licke their fingers.
2432goes not with me.
2434time: what is my Daughter gone to Frier Lawrence?
2438Enter Iuliet.
2440With merrie looke.
2442Where haue you bin gadding?
2445To you and your behests, and am enioyn'd
2446By holy Lawrence, to fall prostrate here,
2447To beg your pardon: pardon I beseech you,
2448Henceforward I am euer rul'd by you.
2449Cap. Send for the Countie, goe tell him of this,
2450Ile haue this knot knit vp to morrow morning.
2451Iul. I met the youthfull Lord at Lawrence Cell,
2452And gaue him what becomed Loue I might,
72 The Tragedie of Romeo and Iuliet.
2456I marrie go I say, and fetch him hither.
2457Now afore God, this reueren'd holy Frier,
2458All our whole Cittie is much bound to him.
2464Weele to Church to morrow.
2465 Exeunt Iuliet and Nurse.
2467'Tis now neere night.
2469And all things shall be well, I warrant thee wife:
2470Go thou to Iuliet, helpe to decke vp her,
2471Ile not to bed to night, let me alone:
2472Ile play the huswife for this once. What ho?
2473They are all forth, well I will walke my selfe
2474To Countie Paris, to prepare him vp
2475Against to morrow, my heart is wondrous light,
2477 Exeunt Father and Mother.