The Tragedy
111109Cla. We know thy charge Brokenbury and will obey,
112110Glo. We are the Queenes abie
cts and mu
st obey.
113111Brother farewell, I will vnto the King,
114112And what
soeuer you will imploy me in,
115113Were it to call King Edwards widdow
116114I will performe it to enfranchi
se you,
117115Meane time this deepe di
sgrace in brotherhood,
118116Touches me deeper then you can imagine.
119117Cla. I know it plea
seth neither of vs well:
120118Glo. Well, your impri
shall not be long,
121119I will deliuer you or lie for you,
122120Meane time haue patience.
123121Cla. I mu
st perforce; farewell
. Exit Clar. 124122Glo. Go treade the path that thou
shalt nere returne,
125123Simple plaine Clarence I doe loue thee
126124That I will
send thy
soule to heauen,
127125If heauen will take the pre
sent at our hands:
128126But who comes here the new deliuered ha
130128Hast. Good time of day vnto my gratious Lord:
131129Glo. As much vnto my good Lord Chamberlaine:
132130Well are you welcome to the open aire,
133131How hath your Lord
ship brookt impri
134132Hast. With patience (noble Lord) as pri
soners mu
135133But I
shall liue my Lord to giue them thankes
136134That were the cau
se of my impri
137135Glo. No doubt, no doubt, and
shal Clarence too,
138136For they that were your enemies are his,
139137And haue preuaild as much on him as you.
140138Hast. More pitty that the Eagle
should be mewed,
141139While keihts and bu
ssards prey at liberty.
143141Hast. No newes
so bad abroad as this at home:
144142The King is
sickly, weake and melancholy,
145143And his Phi
sitions feare him mightily
. 146144Glo. Now by Saint Paul this newes is bad indeede,
147145Oh he hath kept an euill diet long,
148146And ouermuch con
sumed his royall per