Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Adrian Kiernander
Peer Reviewed

Richard the Third (Quarto 1, 1597)

The Tragedy
Who is most inward with the noble Duke.
1975Bi Why you my Lo: me thinks you should soonest know (his mind
Buc Who I my Lo? we know each others faces:
But for our harts, he knowes no more of mine,
Then I of yours: nor I no more of his, then you of mine:
1980Lo: Hastings you and he are neere in loue.
Hast. I thanke his Grace, I know he loues me well:
But for his purpose in the coronation:
I haue not sounded him nor he deliuerd
His Graces pleasure any way therein:
1985But you my noble Lo: may name the time,
And in the Dukes behalfe, Ile giue my voice,
Which I presume he will take in Gentle part.
Bish. Now in good time here comes the Duke himselfe. ( Ent. Glo.
1990Glo. My noble L. and Cosens all, good morrow,
I haue beene long a sleeper, but I hope
My absence doth neglect no great designes,
Which by my presence might haue been concluded.
Buc. Had not you come vpon your kew my Lo:
1995William L: Hastings had now pronounst your part:
I meane your voice for crowning of the King.
Glo. Than my Lo: Hastings no man might be bolder,
His Lordship knowes me well, and loues me well.
1998.1Hast. I thanke your Grace.
Glo.My Lo: of Elie, Bish. My Lo:
Glo. When I was last in Holborne:
2000I saw good strawberries in your garden there,
I doe beseech you send for some of them.
Bish. I go my Lord.
Glo. Cosen Buckingham, a word with you:
2005Catesby hath sounded Hastings in our busines,
And findes the testy Gentleman so hoat,
As he will loose his head eare giue consent,
His Masters sonne as worshipfull he termes it,
Shall loose the roialty of Englands throane.
2010Buc. Withdraw you hence my Lo: Ile follow you. Ex. Gl.
Dar We haue not yet set downe this day of triumph,
To morrow in mine opinion is too sodaine: