Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Adrian Kiernander
Peer Reviewed

Richard the Third (Quarto 1, 1597)

of Richard the third.
Cates. He for his fathers sake so loues the Prince,
That he will not be wonne to ought against him.
Buck. What thinkest thou then of Stanley what will he?
1755Cat. He will doe all in all as Hastings doth.
Buck. Well then no more but this:
Go gentle Catesby, and as it were a farre off,
Sound thou Lo: Hastings, how he stands affected
Vnto our purpose, if he be willing,
Encourage him, and shew him all our reasons:
If he be leaden, icie, cold, vnwilling,
1765Be thou so too: and so breake off your talke,
And giue vs notice of his inclination:
For we to morrow hold deuided counsels,
Wherein thy selfe shalt highly be emploied.
Glo. Commend me to Lo: William, tell him Catesby,
1770His auncient knot of dangerous aduersaries
To morrow are let bloud at Pomfret Castle,
And bid my friend for ioy of this good newes,
Giue Mistresse Shore, one gentle kisse the more.
Buck. Good Catesby effect this busines soundly.
1775Cat. My good Lo: both, with all the heede I may.
Glo. Shall we heare from you Catesby ere we sleepe?
Cat. You shall my Lord.
Glo. At Crosby place there shall you finde vs both.
1780Buc. Now my Lo: what shall we doe, if we perceiue
William Lo: Hastings will not yeeld to our complots?
Glo. Chop of his head man, somewhat we will doe,
1785And looke when I am King, claime thou of me
The Earledome of Hereford and the moueables,
Whereof the King my brother stood possest.
Buc. Ile claime that promise at your Graces hands.
Glo. And looke to haue it yeelded with all willingnes:
1790Come let vs suppe betimes, that afterwards
We may digest our complots in some forme. Exeunt.
Enter a Messenger to Lo: Hastings.
1795Mes. What ho my Lord.
Hast. Who knockes at the dore.
Mess. A messenger from the Lo: Stanley. Enter L. Hast.
F3 Hast.