Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Adrian Kiernander
Peer Reviewed

Richard the Third (Quarto 1, 1597)

The Tragedy
On me whose all not equals Edwards moity,
On me that halt, and am vnshapen thus.
My Dukedome to a beggerly denier.
I doe mistake my person all this while,
450Vpon my life she findes, although I cannot
My selfe, to be a merueilous proper man.
Ile be at charges for a looking glasse,
And entertaine some score or two of taylers,
To study fashions to adorne my body,
455Since I am crept in fauour with my selfe,
I will maintaine it with some little cost:
But first Ile turne yon fellow in his graue,
And then returne lamenting to my loue.
Shine out faire sunne till I haue bought a glasse,
460That I may see my shadow as I passe. Exit.
Enter Queene, Lord Riuers, Gray.
Ri. Haue patience Madame, theres no doubt his Maie-(stie
465Will soone recouer his accustomed health.
Gray In that you brooke it, ill it makes him worse,
Therefore for Gods sake entertaine good comfort,
And cheere his grace quick and mery words,
Qu. If he were dead what would betide of me.
Ry. No other harme but losse of such a Lord.
Qu. The losse of such a Lord includes all harme.
Gr. The heauens haue blest you with a goodly sonne,
To be your comforter when he is gone.
475Qu. Oh he is young, and his minority
Is put vnto the trust of Rich. Glocester,
A man that loues not me nor none of you.
Ri. Is it concluded he shall be protector?
Qu. It is determinde, not concluded yet,
480But so it must be if the King miscarry. ( Enter Buck. Darby
Gr. Here come the Lords of Buckingham and Darby.
Buck. Good time of day vnto your royall grace.
Dar. God make your Maiesty ioyfull as you haue been.
485Qu. The Countesse Richmond good my Lo: of Darby,
To your good praiers will scarcely say, Amen:
Yet Darby notwithstanding, shees your wife,