Not Peer Reviewed
Richard the Third (Modern)
4.1.124712225Enter [Elizabeth the ]Queen Mother, Duchess of York, Marquess Dorset, at one door, [Anne] Duchess of Gloucest[er] at another door.
Who meets us here, 2474my niece Plantagenet?
Sister well met; whither away so fast?
No farther than the Tower, and as I guess
Kind sister thanks, we'll enter all together,
Well, madam, and in health, but by your leave
The King? Why, who's that?
I cry you mercy, I mean the Lord Protector.
The Lord protect him from that kingly title.
I am their father's mother, I will see 2499them.
Their aunt I am in law, in love their mother;
I do beseech your graces all to pardon me:
Let me but meet you ladies an hour hence,
Oh, cut my lace asunder, that my pent heart
Madam, have comfort, how fares your 2517grace?
Oh, Dorset, speak not to me, get thee hence;
Full of wise care is this your counsel, madam --
O ill-dispersing wind of misery,
[To Anne] Come, madam, I in all haste was sent.
And I in all unwillingness will go.
Alas, poor soul, I envy not thy glory;
No. When he that is my husband now
Alas poor soul, I pity thy complaints.
No more than from my soul I mourn for 2569yours.
[To Anne] Farewell, thou woeful welcomer of glory.
[To Elizabeth] Adieu poor soul, thou tak'st thy leave 2572of it.
[To Dorset] Go thou to Richmond, and good fortune guide thee;