Author: William ShakespeareEditor: Adrian KiernanderPeer Reviewed
Richard the Third (Folio 1, 1623)
1933Enter Sir Richard Ratcliffe, with Halberds, carrying 1934the Nobles to death at Pomfret. 1935Riuers. Sir
Richard Ratcliffe, let me tell thee this,
1936To day
shalt thou behold a Subie
ct die
, 1937For Truth, for Dutie, and for Loyaltie.
1938Grey. God ble
sse the Prince from all the Pack of you,
1939A Knot you are, of damned Blood-
1940Vaugh. You liue, that
shall cry woe for this heere
- 1942Rat. Di
spatch, the limit of your Liues is out.
1943Riuers. O Pomfret, Pomfret! O thou bloody Pri
1944Fatall and ominous to Noble Peeres:
1945Within the guiltie Clo
sure of thy Walls,
1946Richard the Second here was hackt to death:
1947And for more
slander to thy di
small Seat,
1948Wee giue to thee our guiltle
sse blood to drinke.
1949Grey. Now
Margarets Cur
se is falne vpon our Heads,
shee exclaim'd on
Hastings, you, and I,
standing by, when
Richard stab'd her Sonne.
1952Riuers. Then curs'd
1953Then curs'd
1954Then curs'd
Hastings. Oh remember God,
1955To heare her prayer for them, as now for vs:
1956And for my Si
ster, and her Princely Sonnes,
satisfy'd, deare God, with our true blood,
1958Which, as thou know'
st, vniu
stly mu
st be
1959Rat. Make ha
ste, the houre of death is expiate
. 1960Riuers. Come
Grey, come
Vaughan, let vs here embrace
. 1961Farewell, vntill we meet againe in Heauen