Peer Reviewed
Richard the Third (Folio 1, 1623)
The Life and death of Richard the Third.
3451Let's lacke no Discipline, make no delay,
3453Enter Richmond, Sir William Brandon, Ox-
3454ford, and Dorset.
3457Giues token of a goodly day to morrow.
3458Sir William Brandon, you shall beare my Standard:
3459Giue me some Inke and Paper in my Tent:
3460Ile draw the Forme and Modell of our Battaile,
3461Limit each Leader to his seuerall Charge,
3463My Lord of Oxford, you Sir William Brandon,
3464And your Sir Walter Herbert stay with me:
3465The Earle of Pembroke keepes his Regiment;
3466Good Captaine Blunt, beare my goodnight to him,
3467And by the second houre in the Morning,
3469Yet one thing more (good Captaine) do for me:
3470Where is Lord Stanley quarter'd, do you know?
3472(Which well I am assur'd I haue not done)
3473His Regiment lies halfe a Mile at least
3474South, from the mighty Power of the King.
3477And giue him from me, this most needfull Note.
3478Blunt. Vpon my life, my Lord, Ile vndertake it,
3480Richm. Good night good Captaine Blunt:
3481Come Gentlemen,
3483Into my Tent, the Dew is rawe and cold.
3484They withdraw into the Tent.
3485Enter Richard, Ratcliffe, Norfolke, & Catesby.
3486Rich. What is't a Clocke?
3487Cat. It's Supper time my Lord, it's nine a clocke.
3489Giue me some Inke and Paper:
3490What, is my Beauer easier then it was?
3491And all my Armour laid into my Tent?
3493Rich. Good Norfolke, hye thee to thy charge,
3495Nor. I go my Lord.
3496Rich. Stir with the Larke to morrow, gentle Norfolk.
3499Rat. My Lord.
3501To Stanleys Regiment: bid him bring his power
3503Into the blinde Caue of eternall night.
3504Fill me a Bowle of Wine: Giue me a Watch,
3505Saddle white Surrey for the Field to morrow:
3507Rat. My Lord.
3510Much about Cockshut time, from Troope to Troope
3511Went through the Army, chearing vp the Souldiers.
3513I haue not that Alacrity of Spirit,
3514Nor cheere of Minde that I was wont to haue.
3515Set it downe. Is Inke and Paper ready?
3516Rat. It is my Lord.
3518Ratcliffe, about the mid of night come to my Tent
3520Enter Derby to Richmond in his Tent.
3523Be to thy Person, Noble Father in Law.
3524Tell me, how fares our Noble Mother?
3526Who prayes continually for Richmonds good:
3530Prepare thy Battell early in the Morning,
3531And put thy Fortune to th' Arbitrement
3533I, as I may, that which I would, I cannot,
3534With best aduantage will deceiue thet ime,
3535And ayde thee in this doubtfull shocke of Armes.
3536But on thy side I may not be too forward,
3538Be executed in his Fathers sight.
3539Farewell: the leysure, and the fearfull time
3540Cuts off the ceremonious Vowes of Loue,
3544Once more Adieu, be valiant, and speed well.
3549Once more, good night kinde Lords and Gentlemen.
3552Looke on my Forces with a gracious eye:
3553Put in their hands thy bruising Irons of wrath,
3554That they may crush downe with a heauy fall,
3558To thee I do commend my watchfull soule,
3559Ere I let fall the windowes of mine eyes:
3561Enter the Ghost of Prince Edward, Sonne to
3562Henry the sixt.
3565At Teukesbury: Dispaire therefore, and dye.
3566 Ghost to Richm. Be chearefull Richmond,
3567For the wronged Soules
3568Of butcher'd Princes, fight in thy behalfe:
3569King Henries issue Richmond comforts thee.
3570Enter the Ghost of Henry the sixt.
3571 Ghost. When I was mortall, my Annointed body
3572By thee was punched full of holes;
3573Thinke on the Tower, and me: Dispaire, and dye,
3575 To Richm. Vertuous and holy be thou Conqueror: