Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Catherine Lisak
Peer Reviewed

Richard II (Quarto 1, 1597)

The Tragedie o
2570Or my shamde life in his dishonour lies,
Thou kilst me in his life giuing him breath,
The traitor liues, the true man's put to death.
Du. What ho, my Liege, for Gods sake let me in.
2575King H. What shril voice suppliant makes this eger crie?
Du. A woman, and thy aunt (great king) tis I,
Speake with me, pitie me, open the doore,
A beggar begs that neuer begd before.
King Our scene is altred from a serious thing,
2580And now changde to the Beggar and the King:
My dangerous cousin, let your mother in,
I know she is come to pray for your foule sinne.
Yorke If thou do pardon whosoeuer pray,
More sinnes for this forgiuenes prosper may:
2585This festred ioynt cut off, the rest rest sound,
This let alone wil all the rest confound.
Du. Oh king, beleeue not this hard-hearted man,
Loue louing not it selfe, none other can.
2590Yorke Thou frantike woman, what dost thou make here?
Shall thy old dugs once more a traitor reare?
Du. Sweete Yorke be patient, heare me gentle Liege.
King H. Rise vp good aunt.
Du. Not yet I thee beseech,
2595For euer wil I walke vpon my knees,
And neuer see day that the happy sees,
Till thou giue ioy, vntil thou bid me ioy,
By pardoning Rutland my transgressing boy.
Aum. Vnto my mothers prayers I bend my knee.
2600yorke Against them both my true ioynts bended be,
2600.1Ill maist thou thriue if thou graunt any grace.
Du. Pleades he in earnest? looke vpon his face.
His eies do drop no teares, his prayers are in iest,
His words come from his month, ours from our breast,
He prayes but faintly, and would be denied,
2605We pray with heart and soule, and all beside,
His weary ioynts would gladly rise I know,
Our knees still kneele till to the ground they grow,