Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Catherine Lisak
Peer Reviewed

Richard II (Quarto 1, 1597)

The Tragedie of
Yorke Well, beare you wel in this new spring of time,
2420Lest you be cropt before you come to prime.
What newes from Oxford, do these iusts & triumphs hold?
Aum. For aught I know (my Lord) they do.
Yorke you will be there I know.
Aum. If God preuent not, I purpose so.
2425Yorke What seale is that that hangs without thy bosome?
yea lookst thou pale? let me see the writing,
Aum. My Lord, tis nothing.
Yorke No matter then who see it,
I will be satisfied, let me see the writing.
2430Aum. I do beseech your grace to pardon me;
It is a matter of small consequence,
Which for some reasons I would not haue seene.
Yorke Which for some reasons sir I meane to see.
I feare I feare.
2435Du. What should you feare?
Tis nothing but some band that he is entred into
For gay apparell gainst the triumph day.
Yorke Bound to himselfe; what doth he with a bond
That he is bound to. Wife, thou art a foole:
2440Boy, let me see the writing.
Aum. I do beseech you pardon me, I may not shew it.
Yorke I will be satisfied, let me see it I say:
He pluckes it out of his bosome and reades it.
Yorke Treason, foule treason, villaine, traitor, slaue,
Du. What is the matter my lord?
2445Yorke Ho, who is within there? saddle my horse,
God sor his mercy! what treachery is here?
Du. Why what is it my Lord?
Yorke Giue me my bootes I say, saddle my horse,
Now by mine honour, by my life, by my troth
2450I will appeach the villaine.
Du. What is the matter?
Yorke Peace foolish woman.
Du. I wil not peace, what is the matter Aumerle?
Au. Good mother be content, it is no more