Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Catherine Lisak
Peer Reviewed

Richard II (Quarto 1, 1597)

King Richard the second.
And let him be no kinsman to my Liege,
65I do defie him, and I spit at him,
Call him a slaunderous coward, and a villaine,
Which to maintaine, I would allow him ods,
And meete him were I tied to runne afoote,
Euen to the frozen ridges of the Alpes,
70Or any other ground inhabitable,
Where euer Englishman durst set his foote,
Meane time, let this defend my loyaltie,
By all my hopes most falsly doth he lie.
Bull. Pale trembling coward there I throw my gage,
75Disclaiming here the kinred of the King,
And lay aside my high bloudes royaltie,
Which Feare, not Reuerence makes thee to except.
If guilty dread haue left thee so much strength,
As to take vp mine honours pawne, then stowpe,
80By that, and all the rites of Knighthoode else,
Will I make good against thee arme to arme,
What I haue spoke, or thou canst worse deuise.
Mow. I take it vp, and by that sword I sweare,
Which gently laid my Knighthood on my shoulder,
85Ile answer thee in any faire degree,
Or chiualrous designe of knightly triall:
And when I mount, aliue may I not light,
If I be traitor or vniustly fight.
King. What doth our cousin lay to Mowbraies charge?
90It must be great that can inherit vs,
So much as of a thought of ill in him.
Bul. Looke what I speake, my life shall proue it true,
That Mowbray hath receiude eight thousand nobles
In name of Lendings for your Highnes souldiours,
95The which he hath detaind for lewd imployments,
Like a false traitour, and iniurious villaine:
Besides I say, and will in battle proue,
Or here, or elsewhere to the furthest Verge:
That euer was surueyed by English eye,
100That all the treasons for these eighteene yeares,
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