Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Catherine Lisak
Peer Reviewed

Richard II (Quarto 1, 1597)

The Tragedie of
Bull. I shall not need transport my words by you,
Here comes his grace in person, my noble Vnckle.
1195Yorke Shew me thy humble heart, and not thy knee,
Whose duety is deceiueable and false.
Bull. My gratious Vnckle.
Yor. Tut tut, grace me no grace, nor vnckle me no vnckle,
I am no traitors Vnckle, and that word Grace
1200In an vngratious mouth is but prophane:
Why haue those banisht and forbidden legs,
Dard once to touch a dust of Englands ground:
But then more why? why haue they dard to march
So many miles vpon her peacefull bosome,
1205Frighting her pale fac't villadges with warre,
And ostentation of despised armes?
Comst thou because the annointed king is hence?
Why foolish boy the King is left behinde,
And in my loiall bosome lies his power,
1210Were I but now Lord of such hot youth,
As when braue Gaunt thy father and my selfe,
Rescued the blacke prince that young Mars of men.
From forth the ranckes of many thousand french,
O then how quickly should this arme of mine,
1215Now prisoner to the Palsie chastise thee,
And minister correction to thy fault!
Bull. My gratious Vnckle let me know my fault,
On what condition stands it and wherein?
Yorke Euen in condition of the worst degree,
1220In grosse rebellion and detested treason,
Thou art a banisht man and here art come,
Before the expiration of thy time,
In brauing armes against thy soueraigne.
Bull. As I was banisht, I was bani sht Hereford,
1225But as I come, I come for Lancaster.
And noble Vnckle I beseech your grace,
Looke on my wrongs with an indifferent eie:
You are my father, for me thinkes in you
I see old Gaunt aliue. Oh then my father,