11931206Bull. I
shall not need tran
sport my words by you,
11941207Here comes his grace in per
son, my noble Vnckle.
11951208Yorke Shew me thy humble heart, and not thy knee,
se duety is deceiueable and fal
11981211Yor. Tut tut, grace me no grace, nor vnckle me no vnckle,
11991212I am no traitors Vnckle, and that word Grace
12001213In an vngratious mouth is but prophane:
12011214Why haue tho
se bani
sht and forbidden legs,
12021215Dard once to touch a du
st of Englands ground:
then more why? why haue they dard to march
12041217So many miles vpon her peacefull bo
12051218Frighting her pale fac't villadges with warre,
12061219And o
stentation of de
sed armes?
st thou becau
se the annointed king is hence
? 12081221Why fooli
sh boy the King is left behinde,
12091222And in my loiall bo
some lies his power,
12101223Were I but now Lord of
such hot youth,
12111224As when braue Gaunt thy father and my
scued the blacke prince that young Mars of men
. 12131226From forth the ranckes of many thou
sand french,
12141227O then how quickly
should this arme of mine,
12151228Now pri
soner to the Pal
sie cha
se thee,
12161229And mini
ster corre
ction to thy fault!
12171230Bull. My gratious Vnckle let me know my fault,
12181231On what condition
stands it and wherein?
12191232Yorke Euen in condition of the wor
st degree,
12201233In gro
sse rebellion and dete
sted trea
12211234Thou art a bani
sht man and here art come,
12221235Before the expiration of thy time,
12231236In brauing armes again
st thy
12241237Bull. As I was bani
sht, I was bani
sht Hereford,
12251238But as I come, I come for Lanca
. 12261239And noble Vnckle I be
seech your grace,
12271240Looke on my wrongs with an indi
fferent eie:
12281241You are my father, for me thinkes in you
see old Gaunt aliue. Oh then my father,