Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Catherine Lisak
Peer Reviewed

Richard II (Quarto 1, 1597)

King Richard the second.
770That bloud already like the Pellican,
Hast thou tapt out and drunkenly carowst,
My brother Glocester plaine well meaning soule,
Whom faire befall in heauen mongst happy soules,
Maie be a president and witnes good:
775That thou respectst not spilling Edwards bloud:
Ioine with the present sicknes that I haue,
And thy vnkindnes be like crooked age,
To crop at once a too long withered flower,
Liue in thy shame, but die not shame with thee,
780These words hereafter thy tormentors be,
Convay me to my bed then to my graue,
Loue they to liue that loue and honour haue.
King And let them die that age and sullens haue,
For both hast thou, and both become the graue.
785Yorke I doe beseech your Maiesty, impute his words
To waiward sicklines and age in him,
He loues you on my life, and holdes you deere,
As Harry Duke of Hereford were he here.
King Right, you say true, as Herefords loue, so his
790As theirs, so mine, and all be as it is.
North. My liege, old Gaunt commends him to your Ma-(iestie.
King What saies he?
795North. Nay nothing, all is said:
His tongue is now a stringlesse instrument,
Words, life, and al, old Lancaster hath spent.
Yorke Be Yorke the next that must be bankrout so,
Though death be poore, it ends a mortall wo.
800King The ripest fruit first fals, and so doth he,
His time is spent, our pilgrimage must be;
So much for that. Now for our Irish wars,
We must supplant those rough rugheaded kerne,
Which liue like venome, where no venome else,
805But onely they haue priuiledge to liue.
And for these great affaires do aske some charge,
Towards our assistance we doe seaze to vs: