Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Catherine Lisak
Peer Reviewed

Richard II (Quarto 1, 1597)

The Tragedie of
585King What said our cousin when you parted with him?
Aum. Farewel, & for my hart disdained that my tongue
Should so prophane the word that taught me craft,
To counterfaite oppression of such griefe,
That words seemd buried in my sorrowes graue:
590Marry would the word Farewel haue lengthned howers,
And added yeares to his short banishment,
He should haue had a volume of farewels:
But since it would not, he had none of me.
King. He is our Coosens Coosin, but tis doubt,
595When time shall call him home from banishment,
Whether our kinsman come to see his friends.
Our selfe and Bushie,
Obserued his courtship to the common people,
How he did seeme to diue into their harts,
600With humble and familiar courtesie,
With reuerence he did throw away on slaues,
Wooing poore craftsmen with the craft of smiles.
And patient vnder-bearing of his fortune,
As twere to banish their affects with him,
605Off goes his bonnet to an oysterwench,
A brace of draimen bid God speed him well,
And had the tribute of his supple knee,
With thankes my countreymen my louing friendes,
As were our England in reuersion his,
610And he our subiects next degree in hope.
Greene. Wel, he is gone, and with him go these thoughts,
Now for the rebels which stand out in Ireland,
Expedient mannage must be made my liege,
Ere further leysure yeeld them further meanes,
615For their aduantage and your highnes losse.
King. We will our selfe in person to this warre,
And for our coffers with too great a court,
And liberall larges are growen somewhat light,
We are inforst to farm our royall Realme,
620The reuenew whereof shall furnish vs,
For our affaires in hand if that come short,