431430And make vs wade euen in our kinreds bloud;
432431Therefore we bani
sh you our territories:
433432You cou
sin Hereford vpon paine of life,
434433Til twice
summers haue enricht our
435434Shall not regreete our faire dominions,
436435But treade the
stranger paths of bani
. 437436Bul. Your will be done; this mu
st my comfort be,
438437That Sunne that warmes you here,
shine on me,
439438And tho
se his golden beames to you heere lent,
440439Shall point on me, and guilde my bani
441440King Norfolke, for thee remaines a heauier doome,
442441Which I with
some vnwillingne
sse pronounce,
slow houres
shall not determinate
444443The datele
sse limite of thy deere exile,
445444The hople
sse word of neuerto returne,
446445Breathe I again
st thee, vpon paine of life.
447446Mowb. A heauy
sentence, my mo
st soueraigne Liege,
448447And all vnlookt for from your Highne
sse mouth,
449448A deerer merit not
so deepe a maime,
450449As to be ca
st forth in the common ayre
451450Haue I de
serued at your Highne
sse hands
: 452451The language I haue learnt the
se forty yeeres,.
453452My natiue Engli
sh now I mu
st forgo,
454453And now my tongues v
se is to me, no more
455454Than an vn
stringed violl or a harpe,
456455Or like a cunning in
strument ca
sde vp,
457456Or being open, put into his hands
458457That knowes no touch to tune the harmonie:
459458Within my mouth you haue engaold my tongue,
460459Doubly portculi
st with my teeth and lippes,
461460And dull vnfeeling barren ignorance
462461Is made my Gaoler to attend on me:
463462I am too olde to fawne vpon a nur
464463Too far in yeeres to be a pupill now,
465464What is thy
sentence but
sse death?
466465Which robbes my tongue from
breathing natiue breath.
467466King It bootes
thee not to be compa