Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Catherine Lisak
Peer Reviewed

Richard II (Quarto 1, 1597)

King Richard the second.
To seeke out sorrow that dwels euery where,
290Desolate desolate will I hence and die:
The last leaue of thee takes my weeping eie. Exeunt.

Enter Lord Marshall and the Duke Aumerle.

Mar. My Lord Aumerle is Harry Herford armde?
295Aum. Yea at all points, and longs to enter in.
Mar. The Duke of Norfolke sprightfully and bold,
Staies but the summons of the appellants trumpet.
Aum. Why then the Champions are prepard and stay
For nothing but his maiesties approach.
300The trumpets sound and the King enters with his nobles; when
they are set, enter the Duke of Norfolke in armes defendant.
King Marshall demaunde of yonder Champion,
The cause of his arriuall here in armes,
305Aske him his name, and orderly proceede
To sweare him in the iustice of his cause.
Mar. In Gods name and the Kings say who thou art.
And why thou comest thus knightly clad in armes,
Against what man thou comst and what thy quarell.
310Speake truly on thy knighthoode, and thy oth,
As so defend the heauen and thy valour.
Mow. My name is Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolke,
Who hither come ingaged by my oath,
(Which God defende a Knight should violate)
315Both to defend my loyalty and truth,
To God, my King, and my succeeding issue,
Against the Duke of Herford that appeales me,
And by the grace of God, and this mine arme,
To proue himin d efending of my selfe,
320A traitour to my God, my King, and me,
And as I truely fight, defend me heauen.

The trumpets sound. Enter Duke of Hereford
322.1appellant in armour.
King Marshall aske yonder Knight in armes,
B 2