Peer Reviewed
Richard II (Folio 1, 1623)
2365Scoena Secunda.
2366Enter Yorke, and his Duchesse.
2369Of our two Cousins comming into London.
2370Yorke. Where did I leaue?
2372Where rude mis-gouern'd hands, from Windowes tops,
d 3 Yorke. Then
42The Life and Death of Richard the Second.
2375Mounted vpon a hot and fierie Steed,
2378While all tongues cride, God saue thee Bullingbrooke.
2379You would haue thought the very windowes spake,
2380So many greedy lookes of yong and old,
2382Vpon his visage: and that all the walles,
2383With painted Imagery had said at once,
2386Bare-headed, lower then his proud Steeds necke,
2387Bespake them thus: I thanke you Countrimen:
2390Yorke. As in a Theater, the eyes of men
2391After a well grac'd Actor leaues the Stage,
2392Are idlely bent on him that enters next,
2393Thinking his prattle to be tedious:
2394Euen so, or with much more contempt, mens eyes
2396No ioyfull tongue gaue him his welcome home,
2397But dust was throwne vpon his Sacred head,
2400(The badges of his greefe and patience)
2402The hearts of men, they must perforce haue melted,
2404But heauen hath a hand in these euents,
2405To whose high will we bound our calme contents.
2407Whose State, and Honor, I for aye allow.
2408Enter Aumerle.
2410Yor. Aumerle that was,
2412And Madam, you must call him Rutland now:
2413I am in Parliament pledge for his truth,
2414And lasting fealtie to the new-made King.
2417Aum. Madam, I know not, nor I greatly care not,
2418God knowes, I had as liefe be none, as one.
2420Least you be cropt before you come to prime.
2422Aum. For ought I know my Lord, they do.
2423Yorke. You will be there I know.
2427Aum. My Lord, 'tis nothing.
2434I feare, I feare.
2436'Tis nothing but some bond, that he is enter'd into
2437For gay apparrell, against the Triumph.
2439That he is bound to? Wife, thou art a foole.
2440Boy, let me see the Writing.
2444Dut. What's the matter, my Lord?
2446Heauen for his mercy: what treachery is heere?
2447Dut. Why, what is't my Lord?
2449Now by my Honor, my life, my troth,
2450I will appeach the Villaine.
2451Dut. What is the matter?
2453Dut. I will not peace. What is the matter Sonne?
2454Aum. Good Mother be content, it is no more
2457Enter Seruant with Boots.
2458Yor. Bring me my Boots, I will vnto the King.
2459Dut. Strike him Aumerle. Poore boy, yu art amaz'd,
2460Hence Villaine, neuer more come in my sight.
2462Dut. Why Yorke, what wilt thou do?
2464Haue we more Sonnes? Or are we like to haue?
2465Is not my teeming date drunke vp with time?
2466And wilt thou plucke my faire Sonne from mine Age,
2467And rob me of a happy Mothers name?
2468Is he not like thee? Is he not thine owne?
2469Yor. Thou fond mad woman:
2470Wilt thou conceale this darke Conspiracy?
2471A dozen of them heere haue tane the Sacrament,
2472And interchangeably set downe their hands
2473To kill the King at Oxford.
2475Wee'l keepe him heere: then what is that to him?
2476Yor. Away fond woman: were hee twenty times my
2477Son, I would appeach him.
2479Thou wouldest be more pittifull:
2481That I haue bene disloyall to thy bed,
2482And that he is a Bastard, not thy Sonne:
2483Sweet Yorke, sweet husband, be not of that minde:
2484He is as like thee, as a man may bee,
2485Not like to me, nor any of my Kin,
2486And yet I loue him.
2489Spurre post, and get before him to the King,
2490And begge thy pardon, ere he do accuse thee,
2491Ile not be long behind: though I be old,
2492I doubt not but to ride as fast as Yorke:
2493And neuer will I rise vp from the ground,
2494Till Bullingbrooke haue pardon'd thee: Away be gone. Exit