Peer Reviewed
Richard II (Folio 1, 1623)
1581Scaena Tertia.
1582Enter with Drum and Colours, Bullingbrooke,
1583Yorke, Northumberland, Attendants.
1584Bull. So that by this intelligence we learne
1586Is gone to meet the King, who lately landed
1588North. The newes is very faire and good, my Lord,
1589Richard, not farre from hence, hath hid his head.
1591To say King Richard: alack the heauie day,
1594Left I his Title out.
1595York. The time hath beene,
1596Would you haue beene so briefe with him, he would
1598For taking so the Head, your whole heads length.
1603Against their will. But who comes here?
1604Enter Percie.
1607Against thy entrance.
Bull. Roy-
36The life and death of Richard the second.
1609Per. Yes (my good Lord)
1610It doth containe a King: King Richard lyes
1611Within the limits of yond Lime and Stone,
1612And with him, the Lord Aumerle, Lord Salisbury,
1613Sir Stephen Scroope, besides a Clergie man
1614Of holy reuerence; who, I cannot learne.
1616Bull. Noble Lord,
1617Goe to the rude Ribs of that ancient Castle,
1618Through Brazen Trumpet send the breath of Parle
1619Into his ruin'd Eares, and thus deliuer:
1620Henry Bullingbrooke vpon his knees doth kisse
1621King Richards hand, and sends allegeance
1622And true faith of heart to his Royall Person: hither come
1623Euen at his feet, to lay my Armes and Power,
1624Prouided, that my Banishment repeal'd,
1625And Lands restor'd againe, be freely graunted:
1629The which, how farre off from the mind of Bullingbrooke
1631The fresh grcene Lap of faire King Richards Land,
1634Vpon the Grassie Carpet of this Plaine:
1635Let's march without the noyse of threatning Drum,
1636That from this Castles tatter'd Battlements
1637Our faire Appointments may be well perus'd.
1639With no lesse terror then the Elements
1640Of Fire and Water, when their thundring smoake
1641At meeting teares the cloudie Cheekes of Heauen:
1642Be he the fire, Ile be the yeelding Water;
1643The Rage be his, while on the Earth I raine
1644My Waters on the Earth, and not on him.
1645March on, and marke King Richard how he lookes.
1646 Parle without, and answere within: then a Flourish.
1647 Enter on the Walls, Richard, Carlile, Aumerle, Scroop,
1648 Salisbury.
1652When he perceiues the enuious Clouds are bent
1654Of his bright passage to the Occident.
1655York. Yet lookes he like a King: behold his Eye
1656(As bright as is the Eagles) lightens forth
1657Controlling Maiestie: alack, alack, for woe,
1660To watch the fearefull bending of thy knee,
1662And if we be, how dare thy ioynts forget
1663To pay their awfull dutie to our presence?
1664If we be not, shew vs the Hand of God,
1666For well wee know, no Hand of Blood and Bone
1667Can gripe the sacred Handle of our Scepter,
1669And though you thinke, that all, as you haue done,
1670Haue torne their Soules, by turning them from vs,
1671And we are barren, and bereft of Friends:
1672Yet know, my Master, God Omnipotent,
1673Is mustring in his Clouds, on our behalfe,
1675Your Children yet vnborne, and vnbegot,
1677And threat the Glory of my precious Crowne.
1678Tell Bullingbrooke, for yond me thinkes he is,
1679That euery stride he makes vpon my Land,
1680Is dangerous Treason: He is come to ope
1681The purple Testament of bleeding Warre;
1682But ere the Crowne he lookes for, liue in peace,
1683Ten thousand bloody crownes of Mothers Sonnes
1684Shall ill become the flower of Englands face,
1685Change the complexion of her Maid-pale Peace
1686To Scarlet Indignation, and bedew
1688North. The King of Heauen forbid our Lord the King
1689Should so with ciuill and vnciuill Armes
1691Harry Bullingbrooke, doth humbly kisse thy hand,
1692And by the Honorable Tombe he sweares,
1694And by the Royalties of both your Bloods,
1696And by the buried Hand of Warlike Gaunt,
1697And by the Worth and Honor of himselfe,
1699His comming hither hath no further scope,
1700Then for his Lineall Royalties, and to begge
1701Infranchisement immediate on his knees:
1702Which on thy Royall partie graunted once,
1703His glittering Armes he will commend to'Rust,
1704His barbed Steedes to Stables, and his heart
1707And as I am a Gentleman, I credit him.
1709His Noble Cousin is right welcome hither,
1710And all the number of his faire demands
1712With all the gracious vtterance thou hast,
1713Speake to his gentle hearing kind commends.
1716Shall we call back Northumberland, and send
1719Till time lend friends, and friends their helpeful Swords.
1720Rich. Oh God, oh God, that ere this tongue of mine,
1721That layd the Sentence of dread Banishment
1723With words of sooth: Oh that I were as great
1724As is my Griefe, or lesser then my Name,
1725Or that I could forget what I haue beene,
1726Or not remember what I must be now:
1728Since Foes haue scope to beat both thee and me.
1734The Name of King? o' Gods Name let it goe.
1735Ile giue my Iewels for a sett of Beades,
1736My gorgeous Pallace, for a Hermitage,
1737My gay Apparrell, for an Almes-mans Gowne,
1739My Scepter, for a Palmers walking Staffe,
The life and death of Richard the Second. 37
1740My Subiects, for a payre of carued Saints,
1741And my large Kingdome, for a little Graue,
1742A little little Graue, an obscure Graue.
1743Or Ile be buryed in the Kings high-way,
1744Some way of common Trade, where Subiects feet
1745May howrely trample on their Soueraignes Head:
1746For on my heart they tread now, whilest I liue;
1747And buryed once, why not vpon my Head?
1751And make a Dearth in this reuolting Land.
1752Or shall we play the Wantons with our Woes,
1754As thus: to drop them still vpon one place,
1755Till they haue fretted vs a payre of Graues,
1756Within the Earth: and therein lay'd, there lyes
1757Two Kinsmen, digg'd their Graues with weeping Eyes?
1758Would not this ill, doe well? Well, well, I see
1759I talke but idly, and you mock at mee.
1760Most mightie Prince, my Lord Northumberland,
1762Giue Richard leaue to liue, till Richard die?
1763You make a Legge, and Bullingbrooke sayes I.
1767Wanting the manage of vnruly Iades.
1769To come at Traytors Calls, and doe them Grace.
1770In the base Court come down: down Court, down King,
1773North. Sorrow, and griefe of heart
1774Makes him speake fondly, like a frantick man:
1775Yet he is come.
1778My gracious Lord.
1780You debase your Princely Knee,
1782Me rather had, my Heart might feele your Loue,
1784Vp Cousin, vp, your Heart is vp, I know,
1785Thus high at least, although your Knee be low.
1786Bull. My gracious Lord, I come but for mine
1788Rich. Your owne is yours, and I am yours, and
1793They well deserue to haue,
1795Vnckle giue me your Hand: nay, drie your Eyes,
1796Teares shew their Loue, but want their Remedies.
1797Cousin, I am too young to be your Father,
1798Though you are old enough to be my Heire.
1799What you will haue, Ile giue, and willing to,
1800For doe we must, what force will haue vs doe.
1801Set on towards London:
1803Bull. Yea, my good Lord.