Peer Reviewed
Richard II (Folio 1, 1623)
30The life and death of Richard the second.
860What will ensue heereof, there's none can tell.
862That their euents can neuer fall out good. Exit.
864Bid him repaire to vs to Ely house,
866We will for Ireland, and 'tis time, I trow:
868Our Vncle Yorke, Lord Gouernor of England:
870Come on our Queene, to morrow must we part,
872Manet North. Willoughby, & Ross.
875Wil. Barely in title, not in reuennew.
878Er't be disburthen'd with a liberall tongue.
880That speakes thy words againe to do thee harme.
882If it be so, out with it boldly man,
883Quicke is mine eare to heare of good towards him.
884 Ross. No good at all that I can do for him,
885Vnlesse you call it good to pitie him,
886Bereft and gelded of his patrimonie.
888 borne,
889In him a royall Prince, and many moe
890Of noble blood in this declining Land;
892By Flatterers, and what they will informe
895'Gainst vs, our liues, our children, and our heires.
896Ros. The Commons hath he pil'd with greeuous taxes
898For ancient quarrels, and quite lost their hearts.
900As blankes, beneuolences, and I wot not what:
901But what o' Gods name doth become of this?
903But basely yeelded vpon comprimize,
904That which his Ancestors atchieu'd with blowes:
905More hath he spent in peace, then they in warres.
907Wil. The Kings growne bankrupt like a broken man.
910(His burthenous taxations notwithstanding)
911But by the robbing of the banish'd Duke.
918And vnauoyded is the danger now
922How neere the tidings of our comfort is.
926Thy words are but as thoughts, therefore be bold.
927Nor. Then thus: I haue from Port le Blan
928A Bay in Britaine, receiu'd intelligence,
929That Harry Duke of Herford, Rainald Lord Cobham,
930That late broke from the Duke of Exeter,
931His brother Archbishop, late of Canterbury,
932Sir Thomas Erpingham, Sir Iohn Rainston,
933Sir Iohn Norberie, Sir Robert Waterton, & Francis Quoint,
936Are making hither with all due expedience,
938Perhaps they had ere this, but that they stay
941Impe out our drooping Countries broken wing,
942Redeeme from broaking pawne the blemish'd Crowne,
945Away with me in poste to Rauenspurgh,
946But if you faint, as fearing to do so,
950 Exeunt.
951Scena Secunda.
952Enter Queene, Bushy, and Bagot.
954You promis'd when you parted with the King,
958I cannot do it: yet I know no cause
961As my sweet Richard; yet againe me thinkes,
962Some vnborne sorrow, ripe in fortunes wombe
963Is comming towards me, and my inward soule
964With nothing trembles, at something it greeues,
965More then with parting from my Lord the King.
968For sorrowes eye, glazed with blinding teares,
969Diuides one thing intire, to many obiects,
971Shew nothing but confusion, ey'd awry,
973Looking awry vpon your Lords departure,
975Which look'd on as it is, is naught bur shadowes
976Of what it is not: then thrice-gracious Queene,
977More then your Lords departure weep not, more's not (seene;
979Which for things true, weepe things imaginary.
983As though on thinking on no thought I thinke,
984Makes me with heauy nothing faint and shrinke.
985Bush. 'Tis nothing but conceit (my gracious Lady.)