Life of Caesar
62LXII. Hereupon the people went straight unto Marcus Brutus, who from his father came of the first Brutus, and by his mother of the house of the Servilians, a noble house as any was in Rome, and was also nephew and son-in-law of Marcus Cato. Notwithstanding, the great honors and favor Caesar showed unto him kept him back that of himself alone he did not conspire nor consent to depose him of his kingdom.
Caesar saved Brutus' life, after the battle of Pharsalia.
For Caesar did not only save his life after the battle of Pharsalia, when Pompey fled, and did at his request also save many mo of his friends besides: but furthermore, he put a marvelous confidence in him. For he had already preferred him to the Praetorship for that year, and furthermore was appointed to be Consul the fourth year after that, having through Caesar's friendship obtained it before Cassius, who likewise made suit for the same: and Caesar also, as it is reported, said in this contention, "indeed Cassius hath alleged best reason, but yet shall he not be chosen before Brutus." Some one day accusing
Brutus conspireth against Caesar.
Brutus while he practised this conspiracy, Caesar would not hear of it, but, clapping his hand on his body, told them, "Brutus will look for this skin :" meaning thereby, that Brutus for his virtue deserved to rule after him, but yet that, for ambition's sake, he would not show himself unthankful or dishonorable. Now they that desired change, and wished Brutus only their prince and governor above all other, they durst not come to him themselves to tell him what they would have him to do, but in the night did cast sundry papers into the Praetor's seat, where he gave audience, and the most of them to this effect: "Thou sleepest, Brutus, and art not Brutus indeed."
Cassius stireth up Bruteth against Caesar.
Cassius, finding Brutus' ambition stirred up the more by these seditious bills, did prick him forward and egg him on the more, for a private quarrel he had conceived against Caesar: the circumstance whereof we have set down more at large in Brutus' life. Caesar also had Cassius in great jealousy, and suspected him much: whereupon he said on a time to his friends, "what will Cassius do, think ye? I like not his pale looks." Another time when Caesar's friends complained unto him of Antonius and Dolabella, that they pretended some mischief towards him: he answered them again, "As for those fat men and smooth-combed heads,' quoth he, " l never reckon of them; but these pale-visaged and carrionlean people, I fear them most," meaning Brutus and Cassius.