Life of Caesar
Caesar's requests unto the Senate.
the requests that Caesar propounded carried great semblance of reason with them. For he said, that he was contented to lay down arms, so that Pompey did the like: and that both of them, as private persons, should come and make suit of their citizens to obtain honorable recompence: declaring unto them that, taking arms from him, and granting them unto Pompey, they did wrongfully accuse him in going about to make himself a tyrant, and in the mean time to grant the other means to be a tyrant. Curio making these offers and persuasions openly before the people in the name of Caesar, he was heard with great rejoicing and clapping of hands, and there were some that cast flowers and nosegays upon him when he went his way, as they commonly use to do unto any man, when he hath obtained victory and won the games. Then Antonius, one of the tribunes, brought a letter sent from Caesar, and made it openly to be read in despite of the Consuls. But Scipio in the Senate, Pompey's father-in-law, made this motion: that if Caesar did not dismiss his army by a certain day appointed him, the Romans should proclaim him an enemy unto Rome. Then the Consuls openly asked in the presence of the senators, if they thought it good that Pompey should dismiss his army: but few agreed to that demand. After that again they asked, if they liked that Caesar should dismiss his army: thereto they all in manner answered, "Yea, yea." But when Antonius requested again that both of them should lay down arms, then they were all indifferently of his mind. Notwithstanding, because Scipio did insolently behave himself, and Marcellus also, who cried, that they must use force of arms and not men's opinion against a thief, the Senate rose straight upon it without further determination; and men changed apparel through the city because of this dissension, as they use to do in a common calamity.