Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: Plutarch
Editor: John D. Cox
Not Peer Reviewed

Life of Caesar


XXIII.Then, passing over his army upon it, he found none that durst any more fight with him. For the Suevians, which were the warlikest people of all Germany, had gotten themselves with their goods into wonderful great valleys and bogs, full of woods and forests. Now when he had burnt all the country of his enemies, and confirmed a league with the confederates of the Romans, he returned back again into Gaul after he had tarried eighteen days at the most in Germany, on the other side of the Rheyn.

Caesar's journey into England

The journey he made also into England was a noble enterprise and very commendable. For he was the first that sailed the West Ocean with an army by sea, and that passed through the sea Atlanticum with his army, to make war in that so great and famous iland (which many ancient writers would not believe that it was so indeed, and did make them vary about it, saying it was but a fable and a lie), and was the first that enlarged the Roman Empire beyond the earth inabitable. For twice he passed over the narrow sea against the firm land of Gaul, and fighting many battles there, did hurt his enemies more than inrich his own men: because, of men hardly brought up and poor there was nothing to be gotten. Whereupon the war had no such success as he looked for, and therefore, taking pledges only of the King, and imposing a yearly tribute upon him, to be paid unto the people of Rome, he returned again into Gaul. There he was no sooner landed, but he found letters ready to be sent over the sea unto him: in the which he was advertised from Rome

The death of Julius Caesar's daughter.

of the death of his daughter, that she was dead with child by Pompey. For the which Pompey and Caesar both were marvelous sorrowful: and their friends mourned also, thinking that this alliance which maintained the commonwealth (that otherwise was very tickle ) in good peace and concord, was now severed and broken asunder; and the rather likely, because the child lived not long after the mother. So the common people at Rome took the corpse of Julia, in despite of the Tribunes, and buried it in the field of Mars.