Life of Caesar
21XXI.The Senate understanding it at Rome, ordained that they should do sacrifice unto the gods, and keep feasts and solemn processions fifteen days together without intermission, having never made the like ordinance at Rome for any victory that ever was obtained: because they saw the danger had been marvelous great, so many nations rising as they did in arms together against him: and further, the love of the people unto him made his victory much more famous. For when Caesar had set his affairs at a stay in Gaul, on the other side of the Alps, he always used to lie about the river of Po in the winter time, to give direction for the establishing of things at Rome at his pleasure. For not only they that made suit for offices at Rome were chosen Magistrates, by means of Caesar's money which he gave them, with the which, bribing the people, they bought their voices, and when they were in office did all that they could to increase Caesar's power and greatness: but the greatest and
The great lords of Rome came to Lucca to Caesar.
chiefest men also of the nobility went into Lucca unto him; as for instance Pompey, Crassus, Appius, Praetor of Sardinia, and Nepos Proconsul in Spain. Insomuch that there were at one time sixscore sergeants carrying rods and axes before the Magistrates: and above two hundred Senators besides. There they fell in consultation, and determined that Pompey and Crassus should again be chosen Consuls the next year following. Furthermore they did appoint, that Caesar should have money again delivered him to pay his army; and besides, did prorogue the time of his government five years further. This was thought a very strange and an unreasonable matter unto wise men; for they themselves that had taken so much money of Caesar, persuaded the Senate to let him have money of the common treasure, as though he had had none before: yea, to speak more plainly, they compelled the Senate unto it, sighing and lamenting to see the decrees they passed. Cato was not there then, for they had purposely sent him before into Cyprus. Howbeit Faonius, that followed Cato's steps, when he saw that he could not prevail nor withstand them, he went out of the Senate in choler, and cried out amongst the people that it was a horrible shame. But no man did hearken to him: some for the reverence they bare unto Pompey and Crassus; and others, favoring Caesar s proceedings, did put all their hope and trust in him: and therefore did quiet themselves, and stirred not.