Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: The Phoenix and the Turtle
The Phoenix and Turtle (Quarto, 1601)
Allegorically shadowing the truth of Loue,
in the constant Fate of the Phe}}nix
and Turtle.
A Poeme enterlaced with much varietie and raritie;
now first translated out of the venerable Italian Torquato
Caeliano, by ROBERT CHESTER.
With the true legend of famous King Arthur, the last of the nine
Worthies, being the first Essay of the new Brytish Poet: collected
out of diuerse Authenticall Records.
To these are added some new comositions, of seuerall moderne Writers
whose names are subscribed as their seuerall workes, upon the
first Sujiect: viz. the Phe}}nix and
Mar:---------- Mutare dominum non potest liber notus
Imprinted for E. B.
Poeticall Essaies on the former Sub-
iect; viz: the Turtle and Phoenix.
Done by the best and chiefest of our
moderne writers, with their names sub-
scribed to their particular workes:
neuer before extant.
And (now first) consecrated by them all generally,
to the loue and merite of the true-noble Knight,
Sir Iohn Salisburie.
Dignum laude virum Musavetat mori.
2On the sole Arabian tree,
3Herauld sad and trumpet be:
6Foule precurrer of the fiend,
7Augour of the feuers end,
8To this troupe come thou not neere.
10Euery foule of tyrant wing,
11Saue the Eagle feath'red King,
15Be the death-deuining Swan,
16Lest the Requiem lacke his right.
22Loue and Constancie is dead,
24In a mutuall flame from hence.
26Had the essence but in one,
28Number there in loue was slaine.
31Twixt this Turtle and his Queene;
32But in them it were a wonder.
34That the Turtle saw his right,
36Either was the others mine.
39Single Natures double name,
40Neither two nor one was called.
42Saw Diuision grow together,
43To themselues yet either neither,
44Simple were so well compounded.
46Seemeth this concordant one,
48If what parts, can so remaine.
50To the Phoenix and the Doue,
52As Chorus to their Tragique Scene.
54Grace in all simplicitie,
55Here enclosde, in cinders lie.
57And the Turtles loyall brest,
58To eternitie doth rest.
60Twas not their infirmitie,
61It was married Chastitie.
63Beautie bragge, but tis not she,
64Truth and Beautie buried be.
66That are either true or faire,
William Shake-speare.