Not Peer Reviewed
Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)
1719Making to take our imagination,
1720From bourne to bourne, region to region,
1721By you being pardoned we commit no crime,
1724I doe beseech you
1725To learne of me who stand with gappes
1726To teach you.
1728Is now againe thwarting thy wayward seas,
1729Attended on by many a Lord and Knight,
1731Old Helicanus goes along behind,
1732Is left to gouerne it, you beare in mind.
1734Aduancde in time to great and hie estate.
1736Haue brought
1741Moue a while,
1742Your eares vnto your eyes Ile reconcile.
1743Enter Pericles at one doore, with all his trayne, Cleon and Dio-
1744niza at the other. Cleon shewes Pericles the tombe, whereat Pe-
1745ricles makes lamentation, puts on sacke-cloth, and in a mighty
1746passion departs.
1749And Pericles in sorrowe all deuour'd,
1752Neuer to wash his face, nor cut his hayres:
1753Hee put on sack-cloth, and to Sea he beares,
1755And yet hee rydes it out, Nowe please you wit:
1756The Epitaph is for Marina writ, by wicked Dioniza.
The fairest, sweetest and best lyes heere,
1767No vizor does become blacke villanie,
1769Let Pericles beleeue his daughter's dead,
1770And beare his courses to be ordered;
1771By Lady Fortune, while our Steare must play,
1772His daughters woe and heauie welladay.
1773In her vnholie seruice: Patience then,
1774And thinke you now are all in Mittelin.