Not Peer Reviewed
Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)
1313Enter Pericles, Atharsus, with Cleon and Dionisa.
1316You and your Lady take from my heart all thankfulnesse,
1317The Gods make vp the rest vpon you.
1319Yet glaunce full wondringly on vs.
1321you had brought her hither to haue blest mine eies with her.
1322Per. We cannot but obey the powers aboue vs;
1324Yet the end must be as tis: my gentle babe Marina,
1326Here I charge your charitie withall; leauing her
1327The infant of your care, beseeching you to giue her
1329Cle. Feare not (my Lord) but thinke your Grace,
1330That fed my Countrie with your Corne; for which,
1333The common body by you relieu'd,
1334Would force me to my duety: but if to that,
1335My nature neede a spurre, the Gods reuenge it
1336Vpon me and mine, to the end of generation.
1337Per. I beleeue you, your honour and your goodnes,
1338Teach me too't without your vowes, till she be maried,
1339Madame, by bright Diana, whom we honour,
1342Good Madame, make me blessed in your care
1343In bringing vp my Child.
1346Peri. Madam, my thanks and prayers.
1348then giue you vp to the mask'd Neptune, and the gentlest
1349winds of heauen.
1351O no teares Licherida, no teares, looke to your litle Mistris,
1352on whose grace you may depend hereafter : come my