Not Peer Reviewed
Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)
1112Enter Pericles a Shipboard.
1115Vpon the Windes commaund, bind them in Brasse;
1116Hauing call'd them from the deepe, ô still
1117Thy deafning dreadfull thunders, gently quench
1121Is as a whisper in the eares of death,
1122Vnheard Lychorida? Lucina, oh!
1124To those that cry by night, conuey thy deitie
1125Aboard our dauncing Boat, make swift the pangues
1126Of my Queenes trauayles? now Lychorida.
1127Enter Lychorida.
1129Who if it had conceit, would die, as I am like to doe:
1130Take in your armes this peece of your dead Queene.
1131Peri. How? how Lychorida?
1133Heer's all that is left liuing of your Queene;
1134A litle Daughter: for the sake of it,
1135Be manly, and take comfort.
1136Per. O you Gods!
1137Why do you make vs loue your goodly gyfts,
1139Recall not what we giue, and therein may
1140Vse honour with you.
1142Per. Now mylde may be thy life,
1143For a more blusterous birth had neuer Babe:
1144Quiet and gentle thy conditions; for
1145Thou art the rudelyest welcome to this world,
1146That euer was Princes Child: happy what followes,
1147Thou hast as chiding a natiuitie,
1148As Fire, Ayre, Water, Earth, and Heauen can make,
1149To harould thee from the wombe:
1153Enter two Saylers.
1156It hath done to me the worst: yet for the loue
1158I would it would be quiet.
11612.Sayl. But Sea-roome, and the brine and cloudy billow
1162Kisse the Moone, I care not.
1164The Wind is lowd, and will not lie till the Ship
1165Be cleard of the dead.
1170Most wretched Queene.
1173No light, no fire, th'vnfriendly elements,
1174Forgot thee vtterly, nor haue I time
1175To giue thee hallowd to thy graue, but straight,
1177Where for a monument vpon thy bones,
1178The ayre remayning lampes, the belching Whale,
1179And humming Water must orewelme thy corpes,
1181Bid Nestor bring me Spices, Incke, and Taper,
1182My Casket, and my Iewels; and bid Nicander
1183Bring me the Sattin Coffin: lay the Babe
1184Vpon the Pillow; hie thee whiles I say
1187Caulkt and bittumed ready.
1190Peri. Thither gentle Mariner,
1194There will I visit Cleon, for the Babe
1195Cannot hold out to Tyrus; there Ile leaue it
1196At carefull nursing: goe thy wayes good Mariner,