Not Peer Reviewed
Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)
Pericles Prince of Tyre.
1985 And to him in his Barge with former hyes,
1987Of heauy Pericles, thinke this his Barke:
1990Enter Helicanus, to him 2. Saylers.
1992O here he is Sir, there is a barge put off from Metaline and
1994boord, what is your will?
19962.Say. Ho Gentlemen, my Lord calls.
1997Enter two or three Gentlemen.
2000aboord, I pray greet him fairely.
2001Enter Lysimachus.
2002Hell. Sir, this is the man that can in ought you would
2003resolue you.
2005Hell. And you to out-liue the age I am, and die as I
2006would doe.
2009vs, I made to it, to knowe of whence you are.
2011Ly. I am the Gouernour of this place you lie before.
2013who for this three moneths hath not spoken to anie one,
2016Hell Twould be too tedious to repeat, but the mayne