Not Peer Reviewed
Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)
Pericles Prince of Tyre.
1921uer come within my doores, Marrie hang you: shees borne
1922to vndoe vs, will you not goe the way of wemen-kinde?
1925Ma. Whither wilt thou haue mee?
1928Boult. Come now your one thing.
1931ther my mistris.
1933doe better thee in their command, thou hold'st a place for
1934which the painedst feende of hell would not in reputation
1935change: Thou art the damned doore-keeper to euery cu-
1936sterell that comes enquiring for his Tib. To the cholerike
1938as hath beene belch't on by infected lungs.
1939Bo. What wold you haue me do? go to the wars, wold you?
1941not money enough in the end to buy him a woodden one?
1944to the common hang-man, anie of these wayes are yet
1946he speak, would owne a name too deere, that the gods wold
1947safely deliuer me from this place: here, heers gold for thee,
1948if that thy master would gaine by me, proclaime that I can
1951not but this populous Cittie will yeelde manie schollers.