Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Tom Bishop
Not Peer Reviewed

Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)

Pericles Prince of Tyre.
Boult. And if shee were a thornyer peece of ground
then shee is, shee shall be plowed.
Ma. Harke, harke you Gods.
1920Bawd. She coniures, away with her, would she had ne-
uer come within my doores, Marrie hang you: shees borne
to vndoe vs, will you not goe the way of wemen-kinde?
Marry come vp my dish of chastitie with rosemary & baies.
Boult. Come mistris, come your way with mee.
1925Ma. Whither wilt thou haue mee?
Boult. To take from you the Iewell you hold so deere.
Ma. Prithee tell mee one thing first.
Boult. Come now your one thing.
Ma. What canst thou wish thine enemie to be.
1930Boult. Why, I could wish him to bee my master, or ra-
ther my mistris.
Ma. Neither of these are so bad as thou art, since they
doe better thee in their command, thou hold'st a place for
which the painedst feende of hell would not in reputation
1935change: Thou art the damned doore-keeper to euery cu-
sterell that comes enquiring for his Tib. To the cholerike
fisting of euery rogue, thy eare is lyable, thy foode is such
as hath beene belch't on by infected lungs.
Bo. What wold you haue me do? go to the wars, wold you?
1940wher a man may serue 7. yeers for the losse of a leg, & haue
not money enough in the end to buy him a woodden one?
Ma. Doe any thing but this thou doest, emptie olde re-
ceptacles, or common-shores of filthe, serue by indenture,
to the common hang-man, anie of these wayes are yet
1945better then this: for what thou professest, a Baboone could
he speak, would owne a name too deere, that the gods wold
safely deliuer me from this place: here, heers gold for thee,
if that thy master would gaine by me, proclaime that I can
sing, weaue, sow, & dance, with other vertues, which Ile keep
1950from boast, and will vndertake all these to teache. I doubt
not but this populous Cittie will yeelde manie schollers.