Not Peer Reviewed
Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)
Pericles Prince of Tyre.
1511her aboord sodainly.
1513Enter Leonine.
1515Valdes, and they haue seizd Marina, let her goe, ther's no
1517into the Sea, but ile see further: perhappes they will but
1522Enter the three Bawdes.
1524Boult. Sir.
1525Pander. Searche the market narrowely, Mettelyne is
1526full of gallants, wee lost too much much money this mart
1527by beeing too wenchlesse.
1529haue but poore three, and they can doe no more then they
1530can doe, and they with continuall action, are euen as good
1531as rotten.
1537Boult. I to eleuen, and brought them downe againe,