Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Tom Bishop
Not Peer Reviewed

Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)

Pericles Prince of Tyre.
1410Might stand peerlesse by this slaughter.
The sooner her vile thoughts to stead,
Lichorida our nurse is dead,
And cursed Dioniza hath
The pregnant instrument of wrath.
1415Prest for this blow, the vnborne euent,
I doe commend to your content,
Onely I carried winged Time,
Post one the lame feete of my rime,
Which neuer could I so conuey,
1420Vnlesse your thoughts went on my way,
Dioniza does appeare,
With Leonine a murtherer. Exit.

Enter Dioniza, with Leonine.

Dion. Thy oath remember, thou hast sworne to doo't,
1425tis but a blowe which neuer shall bee knowne , thou
canst not doe a thing in the worlde so soone to yeelde
thee so much profite: let not conscience which is but
cold, in flaming, thy loue bosome, enflame too nicelie,
nor let pittie which euen women haue cast off, melt thee,
1430but be a souldier to thy purpose.
Leon. I will doo't, but yet she is a goodly creature.
Dion. The fitter then the Gods should haue her.
Here she comes weeping for her onely Mistresse death,
Thou art resolude.
1435Leon. I am resolude.

Enter Marina with a Basket of flowers.

Mari. No: I will rob Tellus of her weede to strowe
thy greene with Flowers, the yellowes, blewes, the purple
Violets, and Marigolds, shall as a Carpet hang vpon thy
1440graue, while Sommer dayes doth last: Aye me poore maid,
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