Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Tom Bishop
Not Peer Reviewed

Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)

The Play of
Per. An Armour friends; I pray you let me see it?
Thankes Fortune, yet that after all crosses,
665Thou giuest me somewhat to repaire my selfe:
And though it was mine owne part of my heritage,
Which my dead Father did bequeath to me,
With this strict charge euen as he left his life,
Keepe it my Perycles, it hath been a Shield
670Twixt me and death, and poynted to this brayse,
For that it saued me, keepe it in like necessitie:
The which the Gods protect thee, Fame may defend thee:
It kept where I kept, I so dearely lou'd it,
Till the rough Seas, that spares not any man,
675Tooke it in rage, though calm'd, haue giuen't againe:
I thanke thee for't, my shipwracke now's no ill,
Since I haue heere my Father gaue in his Will.
1. What meane you sir?
Peri. To begge of you (kind friends) this Coate of worth,
680For it was sometime Target to a King;
I know it by this marke: he loued me dearely,
And for his sake, I wish the hauing of it;
And that you'd guide me to your Soueraignes Court,
Where with it, I may appeare a Gentleman:
685And if that euer my low fortune's better,
Ile pay your bounties; till then, rest your debter.
1. Why wilt thou turney for the Lady?
Peri. Ile shew the vertue I haue borne in Armes.
1. Why do'e take it: and the Gods giue thee good an't.
6902. I but harke you my friend, t'was wee that made vp
this Garment through the rough seames of the Waters:
there are certaine Condolements, certaine Vailes: I hope
sir, if you thriue, you'le remember from whence you had
695Peri. Beleeue't, I will:
By your furtherance I am cloth'd in Steele,
And spight of all the rupture of the Sea,
This Iewell holdes his buylding on my arme:
Vnto thy value I will mount my selfe