Thaliard from
Antiochus is welcome
. 382Thal. From him I come with me
ssage vnto princely
383Pericles, but
since my landing, I haue vnder
stood your Lord
384has betake him
selfe to vnknowne trauailes, now me
st returne
from whence it came.
386Hell. Wee haue no rea
son to de
sire it, commended
387to our mai
ster not to vs, yet ere you
shall depart, this wee
sire as friends to
Antioch wee may fea
st in
389Enter Cleon the Gouernour of Tharsus, with 391Cleon.My
Dyoniza shall wee re
st vs heere,
392And by relating tales of others griefes,
393See if t'will teach vs to forget our owne?
394Dion. That were to blow at
fire in hope to quench it,
395For who digs hills becau
se they doe a
396Throwes downe one mountaine to ca
st vp a higher:
397O my di
ssed Lord, euen
such our griefes are,
398Heere they are but felt, and
seene with mi
schiefs eyes,
399But like to Groues, being topt, they higher ri
401Who wanteth food, and will not
say hee wants it,
402Or can conceale his hunger till hee fami
403Our toungs and
sorrowes to
sound deepe:
404Our woes into the aire, our eyes to weepe.
405Till toungs fetch breath that may proclaime
406Them louder, that if heauen
slumber, while
407Their creatures want, they may awake
408Their helpers, to comfort them.
409Ile then di
se our woes felt
seuerall yeares,
410And wanting breath to
speake, helpe mee with teares.
411Dyoniza. Ile doe my be
st Syr.
412Cleon. This
Tharsus ore which I haue the gouerne
-(ment, 413A Cittie on whom plentie held full hand:
414For riches
strew'de her
selfe euen in her