Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Tom Bishop
Not Peer Reviewed

Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Modern)

190Enter Antiochus.
He hath found the meaning,
For which we mean to have his head. He must
Not live to trumpet forth my infamy,
Nor tell the world Antiochus doth sin
195In such a loathèd manner.
And therefore instantly this prince must die,
For by his fall my honor must keep high.
[Calling] Who attends us there?
Enter Thaliard.
Doth your Highness call?
Thaliard -- you are of our chamber, Thaliard,
And our mind partakes her private actions
To your secrecy; and for your faithfulness
We will advance you, Thaliard. 205Behold.
[He gives him poison and gold.] Here's poison, and here's gold.
We hate the Prince of Tyre, and thou must kill him.
It fits thee not to ask the reason why:
Because we bid it. Say, is it done?
My lord, 'tis done.
210Enter a Messenger.
Enough.[To Messenger] Let your breath cool yourself, tellingyour haste.
My lord, Prince Pericles is fled.
[Exit Messenger.]
[To Thaliard] As thou wilt live, fly after, and, like an arrow shot215 from a well-experienced archer hits the mark his eye doth level at, so thou never return unless thou say: "Prince Pericles is dead."
My lord, if I can get him within my pistol's length, I'll make him sure enough. So farewell to your220 Highness.
[Exit Thaliard.]
Thaliard, adieu. 'Til Pericles be dead,
My heart can lend no succor to my head.