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- Edition: The Passionate Pilgrim
The Passionate Pilgrim (Octavo, 1599)
43SWeet Cytherea, sitting by a Brooke,
44With young Adonis, louely, fresh and greene,
45Did court the Lad with many a louely looke,
46Such lookes as none could looke but beauties queen.
47She told him stories, to delight his eares:
48She shew'd him fauors, to allure his eie:
49To win his hart, she toucht him here and there,
51But whether vnripe yeares did want conceit,
53The tender nibler would not touch the bait,
58O, neuer faith could hold, if not to beauty vowed:
61Studdy his byas leaues, and makes his booke thine eies,
64Wel learned is that toung that well can thee commend,
67Thine eye Ioues lightning seems, thy voice his dreadfull thunder
71SCarse had the Sunne dride vp the deawy morne,
73When Cytherea (all in Loue forlorne)
74A longing tariance for Adonis made
75Vnder an Osyer growing by a brooke,
77Hot was the day, she hotter that did looke
78For his approch, that often there had beene.
79Anon he comes, and throwes his Mantle by,
81The Sunne look't on the world with glorious eie,