Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Donald Bailey
Peer Reviewed

Othello (Quarto 1, 1622)

Enter a Gentleman reading a Proclamation.
It is Othello's pleasure; our noble and valiant Generall, that vpon
certaine tidings now arriued, importing the meere perdition of the
1100Turkish Fleete; that euery man put himselfe into triumph: Some to
dance, some make bonefires; each man to what sport and Re-
uels his minde leades him; for besides these beneficiall newes, it
is the celebration of his Nuptialls: So much was his pleasure
1105should bee proclaimed. All Offices are open, and there is full
liberty, from this present houre of fiue, till the bell hath told
eleuen. Heauen blesse the Isle of Cypres, and our noble Generall