Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Donald Bailey
Peer Reviewed

Othello (Quarto 1, 1622)

The Tragedy of Othello

Out of my sight.
Des. I will not stay to offend you.
Lod. Truely an obedient Lady:
2645I doe beseech your Lordship, call her backe.
Oth. Mistrisse.
Des My Lord.
Oth. What would you with her sir?
Lod. Who, I my Lord?
2650Oth. I, you did wish that I would make her turne:
Sir she can turne, and turne, and yet go on,
And turne againe, and she can weepe sir, weepe;
And shee's obedient, as you say, obedient;
Very obedient, proceed you in your teares,
2655Concerning this sir: O well painted passion:
I am commanded here: -- get you away,
I'le send for you anon: -- Sir, I obey the mandat,
And will returne to Venice: ---hence, auant,
Cassio shall haue my place; and sir to night
2660I doe intreate that we may sup together,
You are welcome sir to Cypres, --goates and monkies. Exit.
Lod. Is this the noble Moore, whom our full Senate
Call all in all sufficient? This the noble nature,
2665Whom passion could not shake? Whose solid vertue,
The shot of accident, nor dart of chance
Could neither graze, nor peirce?
Iag. He is much changed.
Lod. Are his wits safe? is he not light of braine?
2670Iag. He's that he is, I may not breathe my censure,
What he might be, if as he might, he is not,
I would to heauen he were.
Lod. What, strike his wife.
Iag. Faith that was not so well; yet would I knew
2675That stroake would proue the worst.
Lod. Is it his vse?
Or did the letters worke vpon his blood.
And new create this fault?
Iag. Alas, alas.