Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Donald Bailey
Peer Reviewed

Othello (Quarto 1, 1622)

The Tragedy of Othello

2320Desd. Heauen keepe that monster from Othello's mind.
Em. Lady, Amen.
Des. I will goe seeke him, Cassio, walke here about,
If I doe finde him fit, I'le moue your suite, Exeunt Desd. and Emillia.
And seeke to effect it to my vttermost.
2325Cas. I humbly thanke your Ladiship.
Bian. Saue you friend Cassio. Enter Bianca.
Cas. What make you from home?
How is it with you my most faire Bianca?
2330Ifaith sweete loue I was comming to your house.
Bian. And I was going to your Lodging Cassio;
What, keepe a weeke away? seuen daies and nights,
Eightscore eight houres, and louers absent houres,
More tedious then the diall, eightscore times,
2335No weary reckoning.
Cas. Pardon me Bianca,
I haue this while with laden thoughts bin prest,
But I shall in a more conuenient time,
Strike off this score of absence: sweete Bianca,
2340Take me this worke out.
Bian. Oh Cassio, whence came this?
This is some token from a newer friend,
To the felt absence, now I feele a cause,
Ist come to this?
2345Cas. Go to woman,
Throw your vile ghesses in the diuells teeth,
From whence you haue them, you are iealous now,
That this is from some mistrisse, some remembrance,
No by my faith Bianca,
2350Bian. Why who's is it?
Cas. I know not sweete, I found it in my chamber,
I like the worke well, ere it be demanded,
As like enough it will, I'de haue it coppied,
2355Take it, and do't, and leaue me for this time.
Bian. Leaue you, wherefore?
Cas. I doe attend here on the Generall,
And thinke it no addition, nor my wish,