Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Donald Bailey
Peer Reviewed

Othello (Quarto 1, 1622)

The Tragedy of Othello

Desd. Who he? I thinke the Sun where he was borne,
2170Drew all such humors from him. Enter Othello.
Em. Looke were he comes.
Des. I will not leaue him now,
Let Cassio be cald to him: how is it with you my Lord?
2175Oth. Well my good Lady: O hardnesse to dissemble:
How doe you Desdemona?
Des. Well, my good Lord.
Oth. Giue me your hand, this hand is moist my Lady.
2180Des. It yet has felt no age, nor knowne no sorrow.
Oth. This argues fruitfulnesse and liberall heart,
Not hot and moist, this hand of yours requires
A sequester from liberty: fasting and praying,
Much castigation, exercise deuout;
2185For heere's a young and swetting diuell here,
That commonly rebels: tis a good hand,
A franke one.
Des. You may indeed say so,
For twas that hand that gaue away my heart.
2190Oth. A liberall hand, the hearts of old gaue hands,
But our new herraldry is hands, not hearts.
Des. I cannot speake of this, come, come, your promise.
Oth. What promise chucke?
2195Des. I haue sent to bid Cassio come speake with you.
Oth. I haue a salt and sullen rhume offends me,
Lend me thy handkercher,
Des. Here my Lord.
Oth. That which I gaue you.
2200Des. I haue it not about me.
Oth. Not.
Des. No faith my Lord.
Oth. Thats a fauit: that handkercher
Did an Egyptian to my mother giue,
2205She was a charmer, and could almost reade
The thoughts of people; she told her while she kept it,
T'would make her amiable, and subdue my father
Intirely to her loue: But if she lost it,