Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Donald Bailey
Peer Reviewed

Othello (Quarto 1, 1622)

The Tragedy of Othello

That makes ambition vertue: O farewell,
Farewell the neighing Steed, and the shrill Trumpe,
1995The spirit-stirring Drumme, the eare-peircing Fife;
The royall Banner, and all quality,
Pride, pompe, and circumstance of glorious warre.
And O ye mortall Engines, whose wide throates,
The immortall Ioues great clamor counterfeit;
2000Farewell, Othello's Occupation's gone.
Iag. Ist possible my Lord?
Oth. Villaine, be sure you proue my Loue a whore,
Be sure of it, giue me the oculer proofe,
Or by the worth of mans eternall soule,
2005Thou hadst bin better haue beene borne a dog,
Then answer my wak'd wrath.
Iag. Ist come to this?
Oth. Make me to see't, or at the least so proue it,
That the probation, beare no hinge, nor loope,
2010To hang a doubt on: or woe vpon thy life.
Iag. My noble Lord.
Oth. If thou doest slander her, and torture me,
Neuer pray more, abandon all remorce.
On horrors head, horrors accumilate:
2015Do deeds, to make heauen weepe, all earth amaz'd,
For nothing canst thou to damnation ad greater then that.
Iag. O grace, O heauen defend me,
Are you a man, haue you a soule or sence?
2020God buy, you take thine office, -- O wretched foole,
That liuest to make thine honesty a vice,
O monstrous world, take note, take note, O world,
To be direct and honest, is not safe,
I thanke you for this profit, and from hence,
2025I'le loue no friend, since loue breedes such offence.
Oth. Nay stay, thou shouldst be honest.
Iag. I should be wise, for honestie's a foole,
And looses that it workes for:
I see sir, you are eaten vp with passion,
I doe repent me that I put it to you,