Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Donald Bailey
Peer Reviewed

Othello (Quarto 1, 1622)

The Moore of Venice.

Em What will you doe with it, that you haue bin
So earnest to haue me filch it?
1955Iag. Why, what's that to you?
Em. If it be not for some purpose of import,
Giue mee't againe, poore Lady, shee'll run mad,
When she shall lacke it.
Iag. Be not you knowne on't, I haue vse for it: --go leaue me;
I will in Cassio's Lodging lose this napkin, Exit Em.
And let him finde it: trifles light as ayre,
Are to the iealous, confirmations strong
As proofes of holy writ, this may doe something,
Dangerous conceits are in their natures poisons,
Which at the first are scarce found to distast.
But with a little art, vpon the blood, Ent. Othello.
Burne like the mindes of sulphure: I did say so:
looke where he comes, not Poppy, nor Mandragora,
Nor all the drousie sirrops of the world,
Shall euer medicine thee to that sweete sleepe,
Which thou owedst yesterday.
1975Oth. Ha, ha, false to me, to me?
Iag. Why how now Generall? no more of that.
Oth. Auant, be gone, thou hast set me on the racke,
I sweare, tis better to be much abus'd,
Then but to know a little.
1980Iag. How now my Lord?
Oth. What sense had I of her stolne houres of lust:
I saw't not, thought it not, it harm'd not me,
I slept the next night well, was free, and merry;
I found not Cassio's kisses on her lips,
1985He that is rob'd, not wanting what is stolne,
Let him not know'r, and hee's not rob'd at all.
Iag. I am sorry to heare this.
Oth. I had bin happy if the generall Campe,
Pyoners, and all, had tasted her sweete body,
1990So I had nothing knowne: O now for euer
Farewell the tranquile mind, farewell content:
Farewell the plumed troope, and the big warres.
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